Reluctant Survivor - Part II


Chapter 5 - Azkaban


At least they had given him a private cell, thought Severus when the jailer closed the door and Severus found himself alone in the damp cell. Dampness didn't bother him either; his dungeons in Hogwarts were as damp as Azkaban. What frightened him was the idea of having to be alone with his own thoughts and conscience without being able to do anything to redeem himself, to free himself of his guilt.

However, he soon realised that his thoughts insisted on wandering to Harry. He shouldn't have left the young man without destroying any possibility of a relationship between them. The foolish Gryffindor might entertain misplaced hopes.

The truth was that Severus hadn't had the courage to do what he should have done, which was to reject Harry definitively.

But perhaps he could remedy that. It wouldn't be hard. Harry was still very naïve.

For a moment, even Severus had believed in that foolish dream. Severus knew he shouldn't have indulged, but how could he have resisted the intimacy, the warmth of the body of an attractive young man, visibly attracted to him? More than that, how to resist, after what he had read on Harry's mind? How to reject what he had always wanted and had always been denied?


The memories of Lily haunted him too. The beautiful, vivacious girl whom he helped in Potions classes. The girl who had become Slughorn's favourite, while he was despised. The girl whom he had blamed when his Potions book had ended up in the Marauders' hands. Perhaps it hadn't been her fault... Perhaps one of them had stolen it.

The only woman he had ever fallen in love with.

The young woman whose death he had caused, revealing the prophecy to the Dark Lord.

How could Harry have forgiven him for that, for having caused his parents' deaths? And how could Severus have been hypocritical to the point of sleeping with Lily's son?

He was really a monster, and deserved to be there.


There were times, however, when an impossible hope dawned in his soul. At those times, Severus would go as far as to wish the Dementors were still in Azkaban, because the most terrible thing was having to live with that useless feeling.

One afternoon, the jailer announced it was visiting day, and someone was waiting for him in the visiting room.

Severus let himself be led by the jailer, who gripped his arm harshly. As he entered the room, he glimpsed the lean silhouette and the dishevelled hair of Harry Potter at the other side of the glass.


"I don't remember having given you permission to call me by my first name," said Severus, coldly. The hurt look on Harry's face impelled him to proceed. He had to put an end to that. "Why have you come here? Surely you don't think there is any possibility of something serious between us..." Severus smirked. "Is that what you thought? No, it's not possible, even you couldn't be so delusional!"

"Why are you...? I don't understand," said Harry with a pained look.

"The only person I have ever loved died because of you. You have her eyes. I confess that for a few moments it was good to think that you were Lily, in a way. I used you to feed my fantasy. But you are a Potter, through and through. I despise you."

Severus fixed his eyes on Harry, as if he was going to hit him with an Avada Kedavra, and saw Harry wincing. Unable to stand it any longer, Severus turned his back on him and left the visiting room.

Back in his cell, Severus sank down to the floor, pulled his knees to his chest and buried his face in his hands.


During the following weeks, Severus's sombre routine had been broken only by visits of McGonagall and Arthur Weasley. Both had tried to cheer him up with what Severus considered typical Gryffindor gibberish, claiming he had done much for the Order and they wouldn't abandon him.

Tiberius Ogden, an important member of the Wizengamot and an old friend of Albus Dumbledore, visited him every week. He had been appointed his defence barrister. Just like Albus, Tiberius was a tall man with a long silver beard, but his expression was graver and tenser than Albus's had ever been. He looked very concerned about Severus, always inquiring about the events that had led to Albus's death. He kept advising him that he needed to trust him and believe he would be cleared. Severus answered all his questions, but insisted he wasn't going to defend himself in the Court. He knew it would be useless. The majority of the Order's members hated him, and neither the Ministry nor the Wizengamot would want to free a former Death Eater.

Above all, Severus, in deep depression, didn't think he deserved to be cleared. He had been responsible for the deaths of Lily, James, Albus, and not even he knew how many innocent Muggles.

Unfortunately, his wand had been taken from him. Otherwise, he would have already cast an Avada Kedavra on himself.

The days dragged on, one like the next, until the moment when the jailer told him he was going to be led to the Wizengamot Courtroom to be judged.

They had him take a bath and gave him a normal robe.


Chapter 6 - Trial


For the second time in his life, Severus entered the dungeons of Courtroom Ten, a large circular room with dark stone walls, dimly lit by torches. The benches were all filled, and the room was humming with chatter. He crossed the room escorted by two strong, muscled guards who had him sit in a chair in the centre of the room. When Severus sat, chains sprang from the chair and encircled him, immobilising him completely.

Bracing himself, Severus lifted his eyes to the rows of benches on the sides. There were many people in black - probably mourning one or more of the many casualties of war. He glimpsed Sprout and Hagrid among the crowd. A few rows above, Arthur and Molly Weasley, their son Ronald, their daughter Ginevra, and Hermione Granger. In the front benches, the fifty members of the Wizengamot stared at him, some with curiosity, and others with contempt. No one seemed to look at him with sympathy, but that was hardly a surprise. Beside Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister for Magic, in the middle of the front row, a ruddy-faced wizard with a scrubby brown beard stood up. Severus recognised Amos Diggory, the new Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, who would preside over the session.

Silence fell as the judge began to speak.

"Severus Tobias Snape has been brought to trial in this Court on charges of immense gravity." Diggory opened a parchment and read the charges. "The charges on which the aforementioned Severus Snape will be tried are hereby set down:

1. That the accused did bring about the murder of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore by the use of the Killing Curse;

2. That the accused has been, for more than sixteen years, a member of an illegal organization, vulgarly termed 'the Death Eaters'."

Finally, Diggory addressed Severus. "Severus Snape. Do you understand the charges for which you are being tried?"

"I do," he replied.

"Then we will hear the opening speeches from both parties, starting with the prosecution. Madam Umbridge?"

Severus made a point of not paying attention to her speech. It was too humiliating to have Umbridge as his Interrogator.

When the fluttery voice of Umbridge silenced, Tiberius Ogden stood up. His amber robes highlighted the paleness of his face and hands. It was an impressive, charismatic figure. But Severus didn't pay attention to his speech either. He felt totally numb and alien to reality.

Suddenly, he realised the judge was addressing him, starting to interrogate him.

Severus lifted his eyes to Diggory. "I'm tired. I have the right to remain silent, I suppose."

"This right is guaranteed by the Wizengamot's laws, but your refusal to answer may be used against you."

"I don't care. I plead guilty."

Tumult spread throughout the Courtroom. Ogden claimed his defendant had a depressive condition caused by the residual effects of the Killing Curse, and his words should not be taken into account. Diggory insisted and asked Severus to give testimony.

"Leave me alone," Severus replied.

Diggory decided to proceed with the session and started to call the prosecution's witnesses.

Bellatrix was the first witness to enter, in chains. Severus couldn't help admiring her unswerving loyalty to the Dark Lord. Curiously, all things accounted for, her testimony could be considered favourable to him. By giving an account of the moment he and Narcissa had made the Unbreakable Vow, hadn't she given attenuating circumstances to his crime? Even if everyone believed he had killed Albus, perhaps they would understand that he didn't have an alternative. If he hadn't killed Albus, he would have died. That was not how it had happened; Severus would rather have died than kill Albus, if he had had any choice. But maybe that could make the difference between being executed and going to Azkaban for life. Not that Severus preferred the latter to the former.

After Bellatrix, the Interrogator called Filius Flitwick, who reported having been attacked by Severus when he entered Severus's office to warn him Hogwarts was being invaded by Death Eaters.

Poor Filius. He would never have attacked him, if there had been another option. Severus felt a new wave of guilt wash over him, and let his mind wander to reminiscences of those horrible moments before Albus's death.

The voice of Diggory calling Harry Potter to the witnesses' chair made Severus return to the present moment.

When his eyes met Harry's, Severus shuddered. Harry's determined look reminded him of Albus in his moments of rage - powerful, relentless and implacable.

Harry was, in fact, the only eyewitness of the crime present in the Court. Greyback and Amycus had died in the war; Alecto, Yaxley and Draco were in hiding.

Umbridge performed her role skilfully, asking Harry to describe the moment when Snape had cast the Killing Curse on Dumbledore. Severus noticed Harry had tried to be objective, but the Interrogator milked the moment in the most melodramatic way.

Ogden, however, showed his brilliance by making Harry describe the scene of Dumbledore's death again. Harry remarked that Snape and Dumbledore had exchanged a long look, and only then had Snape said "Avada Kedavra"; a jet of green light had flown from his wand and Dumbledore had been blasted into the air. Harry also stressed that Dumbledore's eyes were closed when he had approached his body. Now, Ogden argued, this is not what it happens with a true Killing Curse. The body is not blasted into the air, and the eyes remain open. Ogden asked Harry if it wasn't possible that Snape had cast a non-verbal Impedimenta and, afterwards, a fake Killing Curse. Harry pondered for a moment and finally replied that yes, that it might have been so.

Severus had to use all his control not to burst into hysterical laughter. Oh, the bizarre, convoluted theories the lawyers could make up! Unfortunately, none of that was true. Severus had really cast a Killing Curse - after all, it was the quickest, most painless way of killing. But if his barrister could make the judge buy that nonsense...

Only... it was strange, indeed, that Albus's body had been blasted into the air, and that his eyes were closed. Severus snorted silently. With Albus nothing was ever normal!

In reply to Ogden's questions, Harry described how Snape had saved his life in the final battle, throwing himself between Harry and Voldemort, and how Snape had destroyed the final horcrux, extracting the piece of soul Voldemort had encased in Harry. The audience was in awe, hanging on every word of Harry, and applauding him at the end.

Finally, Aberforth Dumbledore was called to the witness' chair, and entered bringing a pensieve in his hands.

Diggory explained the Court that the Wizengamot had had access to Albus Dumbledore's pensieve and had finally agreed that it constituted an important piece of evidence. Some technicians of the Ministry entered the Courtroom to install equipment that permitted the projection of the memories on a screen.

Severus's heart raced when the most important moments of his life that had any relation to Albus started to pass before his eyes as in a film. The moment when Sibyll Trelawney had made the prophecy and Severus had been caught eavesdropping behind the door. The moment when Severus, almost in tears, had revealed to Albus that the Dark Lord was after James and Lily Potter. The moment when Severus had confessed his remorse for having joined the Death Eaters, and offered himself as a weapon to defeat the Dark Lord. The moment when Albus had asked him to heal him from the curse that protected the ring. How Severus had stopped the spreading of the curse, delaying what he and Albus openly acknowledged as inescapable: Albus would not have lived for more than a few months after that. The moment when Albus had asked him to protect Draco and to preserve Severus's role as a spy by killing him when the time was right. And finally, a memory of Aberforth himself listening to Albus's instructions and receiving his memories. Albus said he was prepared for his next great adventure. He would try to ensure, with his death, a special protection to Severus, because Snape was the one who would be able to help Harry when necessary. Albus reaffirmed his trust in Severus. Aberforth asked him which protection that would be. Albus's figure seemed to glow when he said, "It's very ancient magic. With my sacrifice, I will give Severus a protection similar to the one Lily gave Harry when she died to save him."

The projection came to an end. Silent tears were flowing down Severus's face, and the whole room was in turmoil.

Damn you, Albus. I didn't want to kill you. And I didn't want to live after having killed you, thought Severus.

Diggory asked for silence and called Tiberius Ogden to deliver the final defence speech. Ogden listed the evidence that Dumbledore knew of his imminent death and planned, if not exactly the moment, the manner it would take place. He emphasised the trust Dumbledore placed in Snape, a fact confirmed by all the witnesses inquired by the Court. He stressed the fact that there wasn't any evidence that the curse Snape had cast on Dumbledore had been the Killing Curse, and that Harry Potter's testimony indicated exactly the opposite. He recalled, in eloquent words, how much the Wizarding World owed to Severus Snape, for saving Harry Potter's life and preventing the possibility of Lord Voldemort's return. And he closed his speech with a eulogy to Severus Snape's courage to risk his life and reputation for the sake of the Wizarding World.

Dolores Jane Umbridge did her homework too. She accused Severus Snape of being a hideous traitor, a deceiving snake who had always served the Dark Lord. After long laudatory references to Dumbledore, she blamed Severus Snape for having ended the life of the most generous and skilful contemporary wizard with the most unforgivable of curses.

When Umbridge's speech ended, the judges of the Wizengamot retired to an adjacent room to discuss the case and vote. Severus was taken out of the Courtroom and put in cell on the same floor. Severus waited there for more than one hour.

Finally, he was escorted back to Courtroom Ten. The members of the Wizengamot returned one by one, led by Griselda Marchbanks, the Chief Warlock, head of the Wizengamot.

Diggory addressed her. "Have you come to a decision?"

"Yes, your honour. We find the defendant, Severus Tobias Snape, not guilty on both charges, for lack of evidence."

Severus couldn't believe what he had just heard. But the chains that encircled him opened and he was free. As a symbol of Severus' absolution, Diggory returned his wand, and soon he was surrounded by people congratulating him and reporters asking him questions. Physically and emotionally drained, Severus was nearly at the point of fainting when the siege was suddenly broken and Harry appeared to rescue him.


Chapter 7 - Dreams and Reality


Harry had Side-Along-Apparated him to his house in Hogsmeade and was now facing him, less than one foot away from him. Severus returned the look, but didn't try to read his mind. Harry moved closer, and Severus had to come to grips with the strange reality that he was going to be kissed by Harry Potter.

Severus was so stunned he couldn't think of any reason why he should try and stop him.

When Harry tore his lips away, Severus stared at him firmly. "Could you please enlighten me as to which part of my dumping speech you didn't understand?"

"I'm a dreadful Legilimens, but I'm not a complete moron like you think. You fooled me for seven long years, but now I know you better. Now you don't fool me any more. At first I believed when you said you didn't care for me, but then I remembered all the things you've done... I remembered the way you looked at me when we were together. Then I thought, no one's that good an actor, not even Snape."

Severus shook his head. He couldn't understand what was happening. He was free. And he owed that, in great part, to that young Gryffindor he had rejected in such a cowardly way. It didn't make sense. It was frightening. Severus had prepared himself to face death or prison - not this.

"You must be tired and starving," Harry said. "Why don't you have a bath while I prepare dinner?"


The roast beef with creamy potato salad and the elf-made wine were excellent, but Severus stayed in silence, unable to relax. When they finished the desert, a chocolate truffle tart, Harry took Severus's hand between his.

Severus felt exasperated. "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?"

The young man flashed him a surprised and hurt look. "What do you mean?"

"I don't understand. Why would you want to be with me, when there is a beautiful girl, full of life and youth, waiting for you?"

"How do you know about Ginny?" Harry looked at him, and widened his eyes. "Oh. Right. I should have learnt Occlumency."

Severus grinned. "I told you so."

"Well... Ginny and I, we had already broken up a year ago."

"Oh, don't tell me you didn't expect to get together with her again, because I won't believe you."

"I talked to her while you were in Azkaban, and we broke up once and for all."


"Ginny was a beautiful dream, but I was still too innocent when I fell in love with her. She hasn't seen the horrors I had to see last year; she doesn't know the darkness... I don't think she can understand... Anyway, now my heart belongs to another."

Harry's words warmed his soul, but Severus didn't know how to reply, how to react. Severus had been loved by his mother, surely, and by Albus, perhaps. People whom he had learnt to serve, in one way or another. Incredible as it might be, Severus knew how to serve; he also knew how to subjugate. But Harry wasn't there to serve or be served; Harry was there because he loved him, and that scared the hell out of Severus.

"Severus, I'm scared too," said Harry, green eyes boring into his.

Severus returned the intent look, surprised. Had Harry finally learnt Legilimency? No, it couldn't be that. Harry had only recognised in Severus the same emotions that assaulted him. Severus remembered that Harry had been an abused child, just like himself.

He reached out and squeezed Harry's hand with his own, silently.

"I don't mind if you only like me because of my mother," Harry whispered, almost inaudibly.

Severus froze. "Why are you saying that? Didn't you say you didn't believe what I said to you in Azkaban that day?"

"I didn't believe you didn't want me, but I think it's true that you..."

"That it's Lily I think of when I am with you? That's not true, Harry." Severus traced circular patterns on the back of Harry's hand. "Maybe when you were younger, Lily's eyes made me want to protect you, even if everything else in you reminded me of James Potter. Lily was a sweet obsession but, in a way, she only existed in my imagination." Severus pulled Harry by his hand, and Harry approached and sat on his lap, facing him. "But you, Harry... you are real."

"You never had anyone who was... real?"

Severus arched an eyebrow and smirked. "I am not a virgin, if that's what you are asking me." Seeing Harry blushing, Severus became serious. "I had a few relationships, with women and men. Some of them were illicit; others were not pleasant at all. With the life I lived, I could not have stable relationships. And I am not exactly anyone's dream."

"You're my dream, now. And I want to be yours, Severus."

Harry's last sentence could have two meanings. Severus chose to be optimistic and believe both were true.


Chapter 8 - In a Sweet Unrest*


Harry found himself Side-Along-Apparated by Severus to his bedroom. Severus laid him onto the bed, took off Harry's shoes and transfigured his bed into a king-size poster bed.

After removing his own shoes, Severus sat on the bed and took off Harry's glasses and robes. The look Severus cast over his body sent a jolt of warmth directly to his cock, leaving it half-hard. Severus stroked Harry's chest, looking at him in adoration, and started spreading bites across his ear, neck and chest. Hot wet stroking over his skin, then a warm mouth brushing his nipple... Unable to hold back, Harry guided Severus's head with his hands, and Severus mouthed the silky nub, sucking, biting, rolling his tongue over it.

Harry was melting. He knotted his fingers in Severus's hair and moaned. "Please..."

"Tell me what you want, Harry."

But Harry didn't know exactly what he wanted. "More..."

And Severus's lips traced warm wet spirals up around the other nipple, before closing around that tiny point. This time Severus scraped his teeth over it, very gently, making Harry squirm in delight.

When Harry thought he couldn't be more aroused, Severus's hands travelled down the side of his body, in a slow caress, and found his buttocks.

Harry lifted Severus's robes by the hem; Severus helped him take them off. Eager for more contact, Harry threw a leg up over Severus's and drew him closer, winding around him, only to feel Severus shudder and pull away.

"Harry, don't..."

Harry recoiled, embarrassed, sure he had done something wrong. "I'm sorry."

"Foolish boy. It's just that, if you do that again, I will not last much longer," said Severus, in a hoarse voice.

"Oh. I'm not going to last much, anyway. Not with you touching me like that," said Harry.

Severus sighed. "I had forgotten how it was to be eighteen..."

Then Severus moved lower, hot breath on Harry's stomach, velvet tongue circling his navel, flicking in an out, then sliding downwards, tracing a wet trail that stopped just...

"Oh, please, Severus!" Harry begged, raising his head and meeting Severus's predatory look.

"As you wish, Harry," said Severus, pushing down Harry's briefs and revealing his hard cock.

Severus knelt between his thighs and gripped the base of his cock. Harry let out a pleasure-filled cry. Severus's wet, warm lips covered the tip of his cock and started to slide down. Harry had never felt anything like this. He had never felt so much pleasure. He writhed and moaned and jerked his hips towards Severus as that skilful tongue touched his most sensitive vein. Harry held Severus's head tight, following his up and down movements, but when the tip of his cock touched Severus's throat, Harry couldn't hold back. The world splintered and fractured in a million glowing pieces, engulfing him in unending waves of pleasure.

Severus lay beside him again.

Harry snuggled closer. "That was amazing." Harry wanted to give pleasure to Severus too, but everything was so new to him, and he was afraid of ruining the moment. There was something that he could do, though. He covered Severus's lips with his own, and a new wave of lust flowed through him when he tasted his own essence in his lover's mouth. Severus wrapped an arm around his waist and rubbed gently against him.

Harry tore his lips away. "I want you... inside me," he whispered, feeling the heat gathering in his groin again when he saw the look on Severus's face.

"Harry, you are driving me insane."

Severus deft fingers explored his back and sides, curved around his buttocks, rubbed along his thighs.

Harry mirrored his touch, mapping Severus's back, squeezing his buttocks, revelling in the mere act of touching his lover. Severus still had his briefs on, however, and that would have to be changed.

"Take them off," Harry ordered impatiently, pulling Severus's briefs down.

Severus slid them down his legs. Seeing Severus's cock already leaking pre-come, Harry got fully hard again.

They started to move together, body to body, skin to skin. Severus's male, musky scent filled Harry's nostrils, intoxicating him. "Please, Severus... Now."

"It's your first time, isn't it?"

Harry nodded.

"I don't want to hurt you. I have to prepare you." Severus summoned his wand. He turned Harry face down, separated his legs and touched Harry's entrance with the tip of his wand. Harry heard him chant a spell similar to the healing spells Severus used to cast on him on their 'exorcism' days. "This spell will prevent any pain," Severus whispered in his ear. "But if you change your mind and want me to stop, you just have to tell me."


Harry felt Severus's finger slip between his cheeks and probe his entrance, very delicately. A shiver ran down his spine when the slender finger passed through the ring of muscle and entered him, but soon his muscles relaxed around it and the uncomfortable sensation gave place to a desire to be filled, to have more of Severus inside him. Severus asked him to kneel with his knees apart, and spent a long time preparing him with two fingers. When Harry began to feel impatient, Severus slid his tongue inside. Harry writhed and screamed in ecstasy. Finally, Severus removed his tongue and probed him slightly with the tip of his cock, blunt hard heat rubbing gently and slowly easing inside, just a little.

"Severus, I..."

Severus pulled away immediately. "Yes?"

"I want to see you while you... you know..."

"It's less comfortable, especially considering it's your first time. But if that's what you want..."

Severus let him turn around, then raised Harry's legs and placed them on his shoulders. Harry felt Severus entering him inch by inch. It was an indescribable feeling. There wasn't any pain at all, just the warm feel of being filled.

For a moment, Severus kept still, dark eyes boring into Harry's, full of desire, until Harry couldn't wait any more and lifted his hips to meet him.

"Ah..." Severus whimpered, holding Harry's hips firmly and thrusting towards him. Severus started to move in and out of him, first slowly and softly, then gradually speeding up his pace. Harry arched up at every thrust, wanting every inch of Severus inside him. Severus breath was coming in sharp, quick bursts, and his face reflected only desire, strain and concentration. Oh, he was beautiful, thought Harry. Suddenly Severus changed his angle, just a little, and a jolt of pleasure ran through Harry. Severus plunged deeper and harder into him, their bodies moving in perfect sync.

"Harry..." Severus let out a gasp that was half a sob, and that sound seemed to hit Harry right in his core. Hovering on the verge of consciousness, Harry felt Severus coming inside him while the world dissolved in a shower of light.

It was a while before Harry came back to earth and found himself lying underneath Severus in a pleasant tangle of arms and legs. For a long moment, he just lay there, savouring the warm feel of Severus on top of him.

"I'm crushing you," said Severus, finally coming back to himself and moving a little to the side.

"I was liking it," Harry complained.

Severus wrapped his arms around Harry, a sleepy look on his face. Harry nestled against his chest and held him close, and they drifted to sleep together.




"While I waited for you to wake up, I had an idea. I'm going to sell my house in Spinner's End and open an apothecary."

The sun had already risen, but they were still in bed, pillow talking and making plans.

"You mean, selling potions?" asked Harry, running his fingers through Severus's soft dark chest hair.

"Yes. If I succeed, perhaps I can devote myself to research, which has always been my dream."

"If you teach me healing spells, we could be partners. I could help you, and you'd have more time to research." Harry looked at Severus in expectation. "I want to be a healer. You could have the ground floor and the cellar, and I'd have an office on the first floor."

"Your fame will attract many customers. Which is not an unfavourable factor." Severus cast him a suspicious glance. "You are going to charge for your services, I expect."


"You must understand that we live in a capitalist world. Don't ask me why we wizards have proved unable to build a less perverse system; the sad fact is that we haven't. You may find it very charitable not to charge, but in this case you will be stealing the work of many healers."

"Hm... I suppose you're right. I hadn't thought of it that way."

"It will not be easy, Harry."

"What will not be easy?"

"Living with me."

"Oh. I know."

"Have you ever thought about what your friends' reaction will be when they find out?

"They will have to live with it. And your friends too."

"My friends? I don't have friends."

"What about the Malfoys?"

Severus sighed. He wished Harry could understand what the Malfoys meant to him, but it was hard to explain. Lucius had protected him when he was a child; afterwards, in the darkest times of the Death Eaters, they had always protected each other. With all his flaws, Lucius had always been loyal to him. And Draco, in spite of his immaturity, was like a son to Severus. "Yes... Lucius will be released soon. I hope he can rebuild his life. Draco and Narcissa need him." Severus held Harry's right hand with his. "Would you make an Unbreakable Vow with me?"

Harry widened his eyes, and then grinned. "I'm shocked, Severus. This is Dark Arts. Like Hermione would say, nothing good can come from this."

"The Muggle marriage vows are not very different from an Unbreakable Vow."

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"I don't know if you have noticed, but we are both wizards. There is no such thing as same-sex marriage in the Wizarding World, Harry."

"That is very wrong."

"I agree. However, no one can prevent us..."

"... From making an Unbreakable vow?"

Severus couldn't hold a smile. "No, impertinent brat. From destroying our lives staying together till death do us part."

"Oh, yeah. There must be a prophecy somewhere saying that. Like... 'Neither can live while the other survives'?

Severus glared at him. "We must have a serious talk about our relationship from now on. The first rule is: enough of prophecies!"

Trying to ensure he wasn't going to hear any other nonsense, Severus captured Harry's lips as if he would never let them go.


The End

*Note: From Keats's "Last Sonnet": Awake for ever in a sweet unrest...


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Ptyx, August 2005